
On a whim, I got The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind up and running on my PC and spent the last few days playing through the opening zone of the game, Seyda Neen. The last time I played Morrowind was shortly before The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion came out, which was 2006. It’s been a while. I own the game of the year addition through GOG, and most of the effort was put into getting it to display correctly on my 1440p monitor. Aurelie’s Wrye Mash Guide was extremely helpful. To summarize the process, you just need three pieces of software: the Wrye Mash Polemos Fork, MLOX, and tes3cmd. Following the guide, I was able to easily install a few mods: the Morrowind Code Patch, Morrowind Graphics Extender XE, Morrowind Enhanced Textures, UI Expansion, and Better Dialogue Font. Some of them install directly, and some through the Wrye Mash interface. Nothing too complicated. I didn’t want to change the game dramatically, but rather just make it playable at higher resolution. So far, so good. I’m having a great time.

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